When Being a Grandma Isn’t So Grand – The Book

I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my new book (available on Amazon): When Being a Grandma Isn’t So Grand: 4 Keys to L.O.V.E. Your Grandchild’s Parents. The ebook is available on Barnes&Noble

For nine years I’ve been listening to what grandmas have to say about the joys and challenges of their role. I realized that in order to help us grandmas improve our relationship with our grandchild’s parents—especially their moms—we need to hear what moms have to say about their role in the grandparent relationship. By understanding each other’s perspectives, I hope that we’ll have more empathy for one another.

Whether you’re a brand new grandma or a more seasoned one, my book will help you handle three of the most common challenges we grandmas face:

  • Not understanding today’s modern parenting methods
  • Difficult relationships with our grandchild’s parents
  • Hurt feelings that result from being unappreciated or left out

To understand the mom’s viewpoint, I created a survey with eight questions about the challenges of parenting, their primary sources of conflict, and advice for grandparents. Fifty moms responded and many said it was a therapeutic experience to write on the survey what they wished they could say in person to their parents and in-laws. I’ve included their wisdom in the second half of my book.

We all know that parenting and grandparenting present challenges. When Being a Grandma Isn’t So Grand addresses some of those challenges and can be a starting point for helping you explore solutions for handling them.

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